Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Le Fabuleux Destin de Mark Fitzpatrick

Time for some more blogging I think, yay for blogging!

Well how have the holidays been so far Mark I bet you're pondering with that palpable air of excitement I find so intoxicating about you.

In a word, boring, in two words, irritatingly boring. People seem to have grown a hatred for town and anyone who dares enter it. Thus so far I have only entered town a few times. Hopefully things shall pick up soon as my brain is beginning to fry here. It's also not being helped by an annoying dream I keep having which has begun consuming my every waking thought, I need to start shutting my brain off but it's a bloody hard task to do when your brain is as juicy and knowledgeable as mine, oh look at me gloat!

Christmas day didn't feel like Christmas, a disappointing reality I've faced for about 3 years now. Christmas has lost its feeling. It's kinda sad when I think about it. Even wandering about town with the decorations up and the songs playing it just wasn't happening, hell even the snow didn't help things one tiny bit. Maybe I can't get a Christmas feeling because I want it too much, that and I lacked any presents that I really wanted and thus had nothing to look forward to.

I really don't like this week in between Christmas Day and New Years Eve, it feels so dead, like there's nothing to do, bloody sucks.I have decided on some new goals though, I'm taking them upon myself now as I do not wish to put them as "New Years Resolutions" because we only stick to them while the novelty is still around, this way they're more life goals than anything else, woot for having goals!

First off I'm trying to learn le piano. I got a keyboard for Christmas which I didn't really appreciate at the time but I've come to find it to be an excellent new hobby. I've always felt we aren't really worth as much as we can be unless we do certain things in life, one of those is learning an instrument, the piano shall be mine. So far I'm making baby steps at it, getting scales and chords down. Hell maybe by the end of this year I will be able to jam to some tunes I've always wanted to be able to play, who knows eh? EH?!

My other goal is to get in shape something srs. I have a disliking for overweight people, I fail to see how anyone could live their lives that way, carrying around excess weight which does little but shorten their lives and make them unattractive. I do not wish this to happen me so I shall become a healthier/fitter person. So far I've embarked on a few "challenges" which I'm making headway in. Hopefully it will all pay off in the end. I wish not to give up on these goals any time soon, or at all for that matter!

What else to talk about, oh yes!

I saw Tron today, the new one. It was the most confusing film I've seen in a long time. There was literally no explanations for half the concepts in the film. The story seemed to fart along while I stared at the pretty colours and sexy black haired chick who really should have had a nude scene!
Yeah, so I advise going and watching the original before strutting into this bad boy as it is a film that slaps new viewers with its unwashed willy and laughs at them as the complain about the smell. The swine!

I have taken it upon myself as of late to try and increase my music library after a friend complained a ton about my only band at the time being My Chem (who are actually really damn good, haters gonna hate but 'Danger Days' is a fantastic album!).
So far I feel the search for music is going well, I have found a new love for artists and bands such as Kanye West, Weezer, Muse, Villagers, Vampire Weekend and many more. I almost feel like I've wasted a long time listening to the same old bands day in day out, feels uplifting now brah.

Oh! I forgot to mention this earlier and I don't want to go back and edit so I'll put it here, there was a brief moment of a Christmas Feeling on Christmas Day. I had gone onto either Facebook or Twitter I'm not sure which and saw McArdle talking about some Doctor Who special. I had always been interested in watching the show and thought of no better time to watch it then when it was having a Christmas special. So I turn it on at I think it was like 6 o Clock and MOTHER OF GOD!

It was without a doubt the greatest thing I have ever watched that was Christmas related. I mean it had an actual magical feeling to it. I tuned in 20 minutes late and was wondering for the first 10 minutes what the hell was going on. There were sharks and fishes flying about the room and I felt it was all quite silly but then it happened. The magic struck me like a loving fist to my belly. It showed this old miser looking on at the Doctor and a kid. He looked like he was pulled straight from a dickens novel.

Then the plot came into swing a young girl who had days to live sharing her moments with the dude in his child form. Time travelling in a Christmas special, it was all kinds of awesome. Yeah, any word written here could never do that episode justice, I can't begin to describe how great it was, a thank you goes to McArdle for inadvertently telling me about the special!

The Doctor himself also seems like an awesome character and I look forward to when this new series starts!

Okay Imma go play some Black Ops for a bit now, hopefully something exciting shall happen tomorrow, until then.

Party on Wayne.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Falling Down in London Town

Well tonight has been bummered on down by the snow, a chance to go to the store was hampered by those mischievous little flakes, drat.

I guess I'll use this time instead to write up a new post, oh the joy. Well since my last oh so amazing post I have completed my first semester of college. I guess I can discuss it for a bit, I can see your enthusiasm is palpable tender audience.

Well I remember the first day of it all was abysmal. I walked into the place not knowing anyone but the vintage Barry Dunne. Hell I didn't even know he was going to be there, I was pretty damn shocked when I saw him. Well anyway it seems he was going for the creative media course which was actually my first level 7 choice but I somehow swapped it round with Video and Film at some point and never changed it back.

"WAS IT DESTINY?!" I hear you scream at your computer possibly waking the old lady next door, you should be ashamed.
Probably not just me being uncareful is the unromanticized answer.
"But we want the romanticized answer!" I hear you raise your voice once more, that old woman must surely question your midnight antics.
Well then I guess it's all destiny in the end now isn't it, HAPPY NOW?!

Fast forward to my first day in Video and Film. I remember finding some people in the course so damn weird, some people were just so damn ...off. So yeah I spent the first day wondering if everyone was as weird as the loud crackpots. Luckily I was wrong. That first day though sucked ass. I remember being in a table quiz and this one dude wouldn't stop staring at me, it was the creepiest thing in the world, his stare cut through the side of my face and pierced my very soul as if it were slowly sucking it out to feed its own. I couldn't get away from that group fast enough, my view of humanity was soured quite a bit that day.

Let's speed this story on a bit. Let's go two weeks in, at this point I had begun to learn to block out the eccentrics, a skill which has become most invaluable to retaining my sanity. Well by this point in the semester the class had sort of split into two, well maybe three if you count the class B. At this point I was finding the classwork hilariously easy, watch films, listen to an over enthusiastic Spanish guitar player make jokes and learning how to hold an SLR camera, I pished at the posh of the work.

What's that Mark happy with his work? Well let's fast forward through his joy that insidious bastard best not enjoy himself for too long! Well you get your wish you Grinch loving scrooges as within weeks faith had clasped my delight and crunched it into a ball of self loathing and hate, HATE!

Work began to smother me beneath its obese mass as I frantically struggled for a few days to do last minute assignments. Films had to be spooled and developed, movies had to be shot and my dainties had to be massaged as they got blisters from walking too much :(

Then the tests started, ho boy, I suck at studying something serious, I thank the heavens that my course is mostly continuous assessment cause I cannot study what-so-ever. There was two tests, Film Studies and Communications. I scoffed at the communications one during my study time (right after my nap time) and sucked up as much film info as I could. I went into the exam feeling regret for not burning the midnight oil but then I saw the paper.

If exams turned me on I would have an erection the size of Jupiter at this bad boy. Genre, Mise-en-scene, German Expressionism?! It was as if the easy police had beaten this test to within an inch of it's life. I went home that day and scoffed at my Communication notes as if I held a monocle in one eye and a kane in my hands. Oh how it would come back to haunt me. I went into the test and I felt karma slap me with its greasy willy. Intrapersonal communication? Formats of a small report? Why my dear paper you have confused me with someone who gives a damn about this course.

Well I came out of that course feeling like crap at how badly I did but I was also quite happy at the prospect of a month's break. It wasn't all that great though as I shall't miss college people as soppy as that sounds but three cheers for (sweet revenge) everyone else coming back from their crazy other colleges, imma hoping it shall be an awesome months break with them all back!

In today's news however I have found the ultimate comedy! Well I didn't really find it as much as IGN gave it the runner up in comedy of the year. It's called Modern Family and I encourage all to check it out. At first I was all like, oh god no look at all these stereotypes, overprotective gay guys, old rich guy with Latino trophy wife and obese kid and finally Steve Carell rip off with nagging wife. 10 minutes later though I had shut my whorish mouth and watched in awe at how awesome the show was. Laugh out loud quality on many occasions and just overall feel good stuff. Check it out, lest I call you an UNCULTURED SWINE!

I'm finding this year's lack of a christmassy feeling to be most disturbing. I think some Christmas shopping is in order to get me in the mood, to town tomorrow!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Pretentious? Why My Dear I'm Far Too Self Aware For That.

Seasons greeting my slick audience, I hope yo don't mind me saying but you are looking fantastically attractive today.

My daily updates have waned terribly in the past few days, I personally blame a hectic few days which drained my resources terribly. Last night in fact I believe I dozed off around 10 o clock a preposterous time for a college student but alas I digress from interesting matters.

Okay I'm going to return to diary mode for today's post, yes I can hear you disgruntled groans as I write this but why would I talk about anything other than the sexiest topic on earth, me!

Anyway, yesterday was about as fun as dipping my dillies into a bucked of paint and letting it dry only to have to scrape the waterproof paint off with a scrubbing brush. It started like many others, in the week, cold air harshly chafing at my skin the moment I woke up. I knew it was going to be a long day so I threw on some Arcade Fire to ease me into the day, Arcade Fire couldn't help my exhaustion however. I also refuse to drink caffeine as it degrades the skin at a ridiculous rate so I was on my own.

I raced into college like there was a canister of nitro discreetly places in my backpack to find everyone sitting and waiting in Starbucks. Nonchalantly I strutted in as if I had just casually strode off my tardy helicopter, bad news from the crew though, apparently one of our members had missed the bus. A convenient respite for me and my aching feet I thought.

Too bad souls of my feet for it was walking time two seconds later. We had a mission to set out on, obtaining equipment from the rough trick of a man who hold the power to give'th and take'th away. Legends circulate the corridors about his bloodthirsty behaviour and his frightful lack of table manners!

Well we arrived at his door and by god I felt we'd never leave it. He can make something as simple as wounding up a wire take upwards of ten minutes to explain. I slowly slid away from his door as he reprimanded the rest of the group just to regain a sliver of my sanity. Once we had managed to escape we had to set the equipment up, a tedious process but it wasted some time.

Two hours later our final member arrived. The filming was a long, tedious process which I'm not really in the mood to delve into. Hrmm I don't want to publish this blog, this depressing music has me in a terrible mood which is obviously being reflected in this post, bah I'll publish it anyway just to have something out for the day.

I saw something awesome on the olde radiation box today. My Chem are playing a concert on February 16th, goddamn I would fucking love to go to that. I really wish other people liked them as much as me so I actually had someone to go with, life can be a cruel bitch sometimes.

I'm looking forward to Christmas a lot but I also don't want it to come but I'll leave that fascinating topic for another day as this post is grating on my nerves now, I'm not going to put this post up on twitter as it's laughably bad.

Till next time folks,

Never give up trust your instincts!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'd gasp if I wern't already

Oh this morning was a foul mistress to say the least. I was dazing in and out of consciousness between the unsightly hours of 6-7, I oddly kept dreaming of the same person in different situations, I dare not say who lest they cast a quizzical brow in my direction whilst telling others what an offbeat character I am.

Well anyway, I was rudely awakened from said dreams by a wave of frostiness nipping at my bare toes. Sharply I had to tuck them into the blanket before frostbite could stick its razor-sharp teeth into them. After a few moments of recuperation I was warm and snug again, however my own body decided to wish to freeze to death as my bladder screamed in agony. Grudgingly I made a mad dash for the bathroom, as if my steps could outrun the cold, unfortunately the cold caught. When finished I retired to my bed like a penguin returning from the frigid Antarctic waters with a giant fish in beak.

At this point however it was going on half past seven and I feared the eventuality of getting up to go to college. A million thoughts rushed around my head, maybe nobody else will go in, maybe the roads are covered in some sort of freak volume of snow but eventually I knew something of even more importance had to be done anyway, I had to finish off the rest of inception. With this information in hand I lept out of bed brushing off the coldness as I knew some awesome Cillian Murphage lay before me (no wonder people think I'm gay).

To my surprise however a lot of people were actually in today. Hrmm as I write this it seems to becoming more and more like a diary and less and less like a blog, I'd best stop writing in this manner. So I'll skip onto the annoying part of today, you people love that stuff don't you, YOU VULTUROUS SWINES!

Carrying on, I was in the dark room today processing my oh so bad it's still not good film when I decided to enter a darker room, to my horror it was already occupied (long story short, light + unprocessed film = holy fuck). Needless to say after standing with the door open for what felt like 10 minutes, I immediately proceeded to slam the door shut hoping that light wouldn't stand a chance against my delayed reactions. Luckily she had already finished up in there and had everything shut, I still felt like crap for the next hour however with the only thing racing through my mind being "woah, you're a fucking idiot".

This train of thought did not help me with my next task. I had to open a film up and place it in a spindle whilst in the pitch dark, not as easy as it sounds. Well after setting up I casually flipped the lid off the container, I was aghast within moments though as I realized the container was only half open, a fellow classmates words echo'd in my ears as I mindlessly scrambled my hands onto the lid, I tried prying it open but my amazing thumb strenght was no match for its lid. Panic set in as I grasped the bottle opener in my hand. I slammed it down on the lid hoping for it to catch each time, 4, 5, 6 times no success, when all seemed lost I got it. Losing no time I launched the lid off in what could only be described as an orgasmic moment for me and the inanimate object. Before I knew it the container had spilled its film all over the room. Quickly I rended the film with a quick snap of my scissors, "progress" I almost screamed to myself!

(I'm talking about this for far too long and boring even myself in the process but I'll finish this up).

The next step was irritating to say the least, think threading a needle in a pitch black room and then knotting the needle so as it doesn't fall out of the hole. Well that's kind of like what I had to do next as the film had to be inserted into a fissure in the spindle and then wound up. This event took a lot longer than I would have liked as I stood over the spindle for a good 5 minutes trying to finger my way into its grooves, finally I succeeded but I'm sure I punctured the film in many places in the process, shit sucks.

Well yeah that's enough about that boring situation. There's one more thing I want to talk about in today's blog and that is the film 'Inception'. You're six months behind you may scream at me from the lonely confines of your cold monitor, yeah well...shut up!

The film was amazing I must say, Leo did an awesome acting job as usual, some real emotion in there. The film on the whole was not the mind bending experience I was led to believe. It was pretty rational if you paid attention to the laws of the dreams. The movie was amazing overall and somehow managed to make me marvel at such mundane sights as a city. I wish for more movies like it!

I meant to write more about Inception today but I'm cold!

So I think I shall depart for now to go watch some of this 'Walking Dead' show. It better be all kinds of awesome. Ciao.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Shower? I hardly know 'er!

I have decided to write this before I watch Inception tonight, I assumed it would be for the best for I fear after watching its glory I will be left a blubbering mess trying desperately to unclench his jaws from all the fucking placed upon my mind.

So what to write about today I ask myself as I firmly grasp at my feet, trying in vain to caress a slight bit of heat back into them whilst the kettle boils for some ultimate hot water bottle action. Well I respond to myself with the usual: Stop talking to me you're making me look crazy!

Well first off I am slightly miffed off at a certain lecturer (who I dare not name lest the repercussions of web 2.0'ing smack me right in the kisser). I was all like "yo what up jive turkey I all about going downtown in that structurally superfluous room you call a developing studio". Well he was wise to my amazing street lingo I learnt from the local 'scuba divers' so he was all up on my grill, dissing my place of livelihood and implying my birth mother has a larger than average girth, THE SWINE!

Well it wasn't all as cool as that, I wished to hire out the developing room today to get some how you say developing done, but he was all like "EMAIL ME" it was like he was talking in caps lock! Unfortunately for my disheartened film, I had to book 24 hours in advance, what flip floppery is this I would have asked him if he weren't built like a bull who had accidentally injected himself with the years worth of steroids. So I waddled back out of his room holding the tears back, hoping he wouldn't judge me too harshly.

I felt I'd get one over on the old lecturer fella though, I would book 25 hours in advance, I rushed to the library jostling old women out of the way in the fear they swindle me out of a chirping metallic wonder they call a computer. To my utmost horror the library was full of greedy little minxes. I looked on at them all mindlessly blithering their thoughts onto facebook, a curse I would have places upon them if I were gifted in the dark arts!

So I returned home, my lecturer had one another round, this time I would be booking 23 hours in advance, the swine will be laughing his winter socks off I thought to myself. Still I felt I would be the bigger man (metaphorically of course, my muscles don't grow to the size of boulders). I placed a reservation down on the room for 3-5 with two of my fellow classmates (who apparently wish the death sentence on anyone who confers seasonal greetings to you, surely not a strong enough punishment I thought). 2 hours later as I finish up an episode of Mad Men I see the lecturer has replied, we were booked he said. I victoriously smirked into my glass of apple juice, pondering over my next one up on the DkIT staff.

However like Daffy Duck my victory was only to last a few moments before fate would viciously shove its unmentionables into my face whilst humming some sort of whimsical tune. A quick gander out my window and I saw it all, the treacherous lecturer had one up'd me once more by watching the weather forecast. Snow up to the wazoo, my momentary meeting with the lecturer flashed before my eyes, that glint in his eyes, he had it all planned from the get go, surely he is a rival worthy of my incomprehensible wit!

Well that was my day pretty much, it didn't start well it kinda trailed off in the middle and well the ending isn't going to great but overall it was bloody marvelous. Hopefully I can still go to the dark room (goddamn that's what it's called I forgot that and now I'm to lazy to go back and change it, crap I said photography room to the lecturer to) tomorrow as I have a need to get this film developed before people start realizing how little mojo I have in my ambitions.

I like writing these blogs, they're actually a lot of fun and help take my mind off other depressing matters which eat away at my mind, get out of my mind you leeching bastards!

I'm hoping this show 'Walking Dead'' that I have downloading is good, I watched a smidgen of it on sky plus and I wasn't too impressed, for the first thing I didn't see one solitary zombie the entire time, it was just a load of people running around hugging each other. I assume I came in (her (do ho ho)) too late and that's why nothing made sense so here's hoping to a bright apocalyptic future watching this show eh?

I've found myself re listening to old albums again, I trait I dislike falling back into so if anyone has any suggestions for albums to give the old tally ho'ing to hit me up with them. I shall listen to them like some sort of perverted man placing his ear up to the door of his hot neighbour's apartment...bad analogy maybe but you get the point.

My god I have mindlessly dribbled on for too long in this blog, so I'm going to go off and watch some Inception while warming my toesies with a hot watter bottle. Stay tuned for more of my insightful flashing of my brain's willy, tomorrow I may just describe my amazing script for an awesome film that my current film group thought wouldn't work, how wrong they will be when Danny Boyle and I are sipping appletinis in the Caribbean.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ressurectin' Living in a Lighthouse

Of course I can see the funny side of a ship wreck.

Well in the aftermath of a few people recommending me to restart the skelatal wick on the squandered candle that is my blog, I have decided that I might just do that. I'm quite annoyed at myself for abandoning my previous blog idea of writing out stories but alas such things can be done in my own free time elsewhere.

Well, where to start with this edition of my witty banter? I guess I shall discuss my oh so funsome life at the college. For those of you who are unaware of what I do there, yet are reading my blog for some strange, inexplicable reason. I am how you say studying a course on 'Video and Film', it's pretty much just a larf in my opinion but who knows maybe some day I'll make some sexy nudist film which gets seen as post modern and I get awards up the wazoo. My delicious, delicious wazoo.

Anyway, life is pretty spiffy in the college. The course isn't too much of a leech on my energy as most thing are done in bursts of a day or two, irritating bursts, but bursts nonetheless. People in the course are pretty cool but I feel I have made some people enemies somehow. Hopefully they don't go on to be super villains or something, that would really be a slight irritation as I do not wish to expose myself to radiation just to fight them off on a weekly basis. Though the comic book deals would be sweet, maybe I'd even get to team up with Batman in some sort of hilarious duel with the Joker, even better solving devious riddles from the greatest villain of them all!

I have begun watching the show 'Mad Men' on a backhanded recommendation from Cathal, though I'm sure he'd be a lot happier if I started watching Avatar instead. Mad Men seems like a great show however. I'm only an episode in as I decided to try my hand at beating that Fallout game again today (an impossible feat, it's just to long (that's what she said)) but so far it's all good. The characters seem to be quite witty with just the right amount of sass (about 35%). Also women know there place in this show (amirite) with them bending over backwards (quite literally) for the men.

On a musical front I have recommendations for all of you people to listen to if you have not already. First off two words: 'The Suburbs'. Now go listen to that album right now, I'll wait here in some sort of inner monologue form inside you head until you return, don't worry I'll be fine. Actually I'd hardly say anyone reading this has not listened to that album so thank you from meta physical me for not keeping me waiting. Anyway now onto the two songs which you must listen to under penalty of being an UNCULTURED SWINE! Those songs are: 'How it Ends' and 'Baba Yetu'. Oh your ears will thank me for the sexual pleasure they are about to experience and I accept their thanks with a mild amount of pompousness.

For awhile now I've been wondering whether to get Rock Band 3 or not. I want it oh so very badly but goddamn is it an investment and a half or what. I'll probably end up getting it for ye olde jubilant Christmas to help fight off those long cold winter nights. Speaking of Christmas, roll on next paragraph, you're keeping us all in gleeful suspense of your festive delights!

I believe ze decorations shall be going up soon in this humble abode. Once that happens oh how awesome life becomes, everything is infused with a mystical quality, life seems like it has a purpose, I even like attending mass at Christmas, that probably makes me hypocritical but goddamn that joyous feeling when you're in there and surrounded by advent candles, Christmas hymns and decorations, it's something else. This is all reminding me to watch Home Alone tonight, that movie is just a pure concentrate injection of Christmas into my veins, oh how I love it. Also you people should check out the song 'Stop the Cavalry' that Christmas song doesn't get anywhere near the amount of love that it should. Argh now I want to watch Band of Brothers, curse this winter TV.

On a completely unrelated note, why not? I was discussing the idea of creating the next book series which could be aimed at those sex obsessed teenage girls who are eating up twilight. I was thinking that it should contain a musician of some kind as that craze seems to be picking up heat again. I need someway to hook them all you know, twilight had vampires, this new 'I Am Number Four' thing has aliens so what could I have? Maybe some sort of shape shifter which can take any form that way they can project their sick desires onto him, oh how ingenious I am, it will be like taking candy from hormonal babies. If anyone else has any ideas hit me up, WE CAN BE MILLIONAIRES!

You know I don't get this new hatred for Russell Brand I see floating about lately, anything that floats gains my automatic distrust, OBEY PHYSICS YOU BASTARD! Nah but he's a funneh guy and to my own extensive knowledge doesn't afraid of anything.

Well I've written enough today to keep the management amused, I shall return tomorrow with even jucier topics and maybe even a picture or two, of boobs!

Yes, they always come back at the prospect of some saucy boobies.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Most sincere apologies ma'am, I didn't think he'd suffocate so easy

Today I will break schedule before it even gets going as I have already developed a side project. Having read a lot of creepy pasta I have decided on making my own which I hope goes quite viral, for this reason I am doing quite a bit of research into the topic tonight and will be unable to write/rewrite a story.

Not sure whether I'll post that story here or not ...I might but I feel it would ruin the point of it if I did. Hrmm I think I should post something interesting here today anyway, to avoid what happened before. Oh, I know let's talk about aliens, well I'll talk about them and pretend you're attentively listening as I....type.

WARNING: This turned into an uninteresting rant, only read on if you have nothing else to do.

Y'know what annoys me, people that think they're oh so smart because they don't believe in aliens, the anger rushes through me like an oxtail soup when people say this. Like I understand why people don't believe in aliens, yada yada we haven't made contact yet blah blah blah ...BUT the very idea of making contact is an almost impossible feat when looked upon rationally as aliens would need to bend the laws of physics to merely get here in less than a few million years.

Okay now here's why I believe aliens exist and why it angers me when people blatantly refuse any possibility that they do. Okay according to modern estimates there are as many galaxies in the universe as there are grains of sand on earth. Now throw onto that that there are 200 billion stars in our galaxy alone and we are beginning to see how colossally vain we are as a species to believe we are alone in the universe.

If we are to then assume each star contains a conservative, single rock-type planet and that beings can only exist on such planets then we are left still with a massive number. However what also must be taken into account is that the planet must be located along a small imaginary line outside the star for life to exist on it, this area is called the "habitable zone". Even though the odds of a rock planet existing in the habitable zone are slim the fact that there are so many galaxies with so many stars has to mean there is more life out there than us. Who knows maybe there are even galactic armies floating around in the Andromeda galaxy.

Blargh this turned into an uninteresting rant so imma put a warning at the start of it, thanks to all who stuck round and listened. Live long and prosper....yo.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Has to be posted

So creepy but oh so funny, I'd really hate to live across the street from this place.


November 14th, 1945

Snowflakes waded from side to side as they gently drifted down and landed on the piles of rubble still lining the streets of Berlin. The spectacle was far from mundane but the local inhabitants had gotten used to it over the past few months. After the great war obtaining basic necessities such as food was a daunting task, most aid being brought into the city was quickly harvested by the corrupt officials and spread out to the highest bidders.

The middle class was affected the worst, they had no access to the supplies and had little knowledge of how to scavenge, this led to the sight of hundreds of mindless souls walking down the streets of Berlin desperately seeking hand-outs. On one such search for scraps a young woman named Marlene was greeted by a middle aged man brandishing a walking stick and an almost scholarly beard.

His eyes flickered with life but his posture gave him the look of a man struck with leprosy. After nudging her on the shoulder with his frail hands he slowly composed himself and began to speak.

"Excuse me, could you be a dear and help a failing old man with a small task".

Marlene was took back by his odd tone of voice but agreed as long as it wasn't too difficult. A slight smile crossed the man's face before he let out a boisterous roar of laughter. Which clashed with his previous demeanour. Slowly the man reached for his breast pocket and pulled out a clean envelope.

"I'd be most gracious if you could deliver this to an old friend of mine, I'd do it myself but I'm afraid my legs give way if I keep on them too long".

The young woman was hesitant at first but agreed to assist him out of sympathy after she learnt the address was on her way home. Gently she took the letter from the man's failing hands and slipped it into her own pocket. With that the man left, slowly he became enveloped in the crowd and the girl proceeded on home wards as it was getting late.

On the way home she finally came to the address written on the envelope, the building in front of her was daunting as it seemed to loom over the rubble that used to be neighbouring buildings. Slowly she advanced towards the structure and was about to knock on the front door when she caught a glimpse through an opening of the curtains inside the building of indistinguishable masses of flesh hanging from hooks on the roof. An immediate fear paralyzed the girl for a few seconds until she eventually turned away from the building and ran.

She rushed back to her house with fear the only thing keeping her legs moving. When inside her dilapidated abode she froze in place for what seemed like minutes. Eventually she broke from her stupor and grasped at the inside of her pocket. She took out the letter contained within and slowly opened it to reveal a piece of white paper with one crudely written line in its centre, it read a few simple words Marlene would never forget;

"This is the last one I'm sending today"

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Change of Pace

Hello people update from past me, for the me that exists while you are reading this is doing crazy, crazy things! or just sitting on the toilet who knows.

But I have decided to revamp this blog into a different type of thing, instead of lifecasting (which i may do from time to time lolidunno) I believe I will write up personalized stories of weird tales out there, I dunno why but it's just a fun thing for me to do.

Think I'll start tomorrow as well it is the first of a new month and I'll update daily from there as I really let this thing go to the dogs...yo.

Oh and speaking of dogs, here's mah doggy Boone :D

D'aww image to keep em comin' back, you player Mark...you player.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

They don't think it be like it is but it do.

So I think I'll write a little something about an old favourite game of mine Majora's Mask. Now this game is one of my all time favourites. Most people will reminisce about movies of old like 'The Lion King' or 'Fantasia' but for me Majora's Mask be mah big 'un.

Now you see this game has what games these days don't have, a small world. Yes, I believe that's a good thing, most worlds these days are massive and bland, they hold nothing but space to walk or drive in. This world however, oh boy, every inch of it oozes hand crafted charm. You can tell they really wanted to bring the world to live, whether it is true the dark music or the surreal graphic style.

This small world also leads me to another aspect Majora's Mask is triumphant in, characters.

The characters in this game are all so... realistically fatal. They all acknowledge the moon is falling towards the Earth but they all live in false hope that it is merely all going to be okay. This very idea is a key value that spreads throughout the entire game.
The idea of acknowledging ones own mortality.

Now most people will say I'm looking too deep into this game, but it is too prevalent throughout the games to be ignored. Whether it is the mailman who cannot leave his job up to his own death or the skilled swordsman who turns into a babbling coward when he faces his own death. This game tells us how no matter how hard we believe we will never die, we will all eventually meet "with a terrible faith".

Now as a kid I obviously didn't imagine such deep underlying themes to this game, all I knew is that some mask was making the moon fall and that four of the creepiest looking creatures I'd ever seen were trying to stop him. Still even as a kid I knew there was something sinister going on behind everything, the dying musician zora who never even got his death acknowledged, the crazy father in Ikana Valley..... hrmm I'm trailing off here.

Anyway I've kind of just blathered here for a good while and not really gotten any point across but I guess that;s kind of how everyone talks about anything they're nostalgic for. It's impossible to tally up this nostalgia, heck maybe if I played this game today with a blank slate I wouldn't even like it but maybe that's the magic of childhood, it really makes everything seems so much more alive.

Back when I was a kid and watched Home Alone, the scenes where the kid went into the basement as saw the laughing boiler thing, I shit my pants, it was actually so creepy and I felt like I was in the basement myself. Re-watching that now it feels cheap and silly, I guess it's for this reason too I don't believe adults should review movies for children as they miss out on the childish view of the media.

It's also for this reason I find music critics and food critics to be utterly pointless, how could one outlook on something be the word of god?

Then again with universally liked artists such as Michael Jackson maybe there is some point in it all, I really don't know to be honest, I ain't no philosopher like ma boi Oscar Gamble.

Well if you stuck with my irritating rambling till now, thanks yo, I shall leave you with some saucy John Locke, oh god look at him smile!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Well I joined this today, I bet you didn't know that did you huh? Well now you do...yeah!

So anyway I am mark, I be deep ...yo.

As lackluster as this is my first post shall not be one of interest as very little happened me today. Oh, such a day of little it was. Bah, ramble time I suppose.

You know what are great........yeah that is pretty sweet but no.....swings!

I love the whole wahay up and down, like a mad auld thing, man swings are awesome, soon as I finish my leaving, fix my bike, reset up my old nintendo 64 and relax for a bit o the summer, I am fix that bad boy in the back yard.

Hrmm as interesting as this is I'm going to round this up till something exciting in my life occurs, maybe tommorow...maybe......

Oh ellipsis, what would I do without your awesome tension skills. But yes, I'll be back hopefully talking about something better than swings.
