Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ressurectin' Living in a Lighthouse

Of course I can see the funny side of a ship wreck.

Well in the aftermath of a few people recommending me to restart the skelatal wick on the squandered candle that is my blog, I have decided that I might just do that. I'm quite annoyed at myself for abandoning my previous blog idea of writing out stories but alas such things can be done in my own free time elsewhere.

Well, where to start with this edition of my witty banter? I guess I shall discuss my oh so funsome life at the college. For those of you who are unaware of what I do there, yet are reading my blog for some strange, inexplicable reason. I am how you say studying a course on 'Video and Film', it's pretty much just a larf in my opinion but who knows maybe some day I'll make some sexy nudist film which gets seen as post modern and I get awards up the wazoo. My delicious, delicious wazoo.

Anyway, life is pretty spiffy in the college. The course isn't too much of a leech on my energy as most thing are done in bursts of a day or two, irritating bursts, but bursts nonetheless. People in the course are pretty cool but I feel I have made some people enemies somehow. Hopefully they don't go on to be super villains or something, that would really be a slight irritation as I do not wish to expose myself to radiation just to fight them off on a weekly basis. Though the comic book deals would be sweet, maybe I'd even get to team up with Batman in some sort of hilarious duel with the Joker, even better solving devious riddles from the greatest villain of them all!

I have begun watching the show 'Mad Men' on a backhanded recommendation from Cathal, though I'm sure he'd be a lot happier if I started watching Avatar instead. Mad Men seems like a great show however. I'm only an episode in as I decided to try my hand at beating that Fallout game again today (an impossible feat, it's just to long (that's what she said)) but so far it's all good. The characters seem to be quite witty with just the right amount of sass (about 35%). Also women know there place in this show (amirite) with them bending over backwards (quite literally) for the men.

On a musical front I have recommendations for all of you people to listen to if you have not already. First off two words: 'The Suburbs'. Now go listen to that album right now, I'll wait here in some sort of inner monologue form inside you head until you return, don't worry I'll be fine. Actually I'd hardly say anyone reading this has not listened to that album so thank you from meta physical me for not keeping me waiting. Anyway now onto the two songs which you must listen to under penalty of being an UNCULTURED SWINE! Those songs are: 'How it Ends' and 'Baba Yetu'. Oh your ears will thank me for the sexual pleasure they are about to experience and I accept their thanks with a mild amount of pompousness.

For awhile now I've been wondering whether to get Rock Band 3 or not. I want it oh so very badly but goddamn is it an investment and a half or what. I'll probably end up getting it for ye olde jubilant Christmas to help fight off those long cold winter nights. Speaking of Christmas, roll on next paragraph, you're keeping us all in gleeful suspense of your festive delights!

I believe ze decorations shall be going up soon in this humble abode. Once that happens oh how awesome life becomes, everything is infused with a mystical quality, life seems like it has a purpose, I even like attending mass at Christmas, that probably makes me hypocritical but goddamn that joyous feeling when you're in there and surrounded by advent candles, Christmas hymns and decorations, it's something else. This is all reminding me to watch Home Alone tonight, that movie is just a pure concentrate injection of Christmas into my veins, oh how I love it. Also you people should check out the song 'Stop the Cavalry' that Christmas song doesn't get anywhere near the amount of love that it should. Argh now I want to watch Band of Brothers, curse this winter TV.

On a completely unrelated note, why not? I was discussing the idea of creating the next book series which could be aimed at those sex obsessed teenage girls who are eating up twilight. I was thinking that it should contain a musician of some kind as that craze seems to be picking up heat again. I need someway to hook them all you know, twilight had vampires, this new 'I Am Number Four' thing has aliens so what could I have? Maybe some sort of shape shifter which can take any form that way they can project their sick desires onto him, oh how ingenious I am, it will be like taking candy from hormonal babies. If anyone else has any ideas hit me up, WE CAN BE MILLIONAIRES!

You know I don't get this new hatred for Russell Brand I see floating about lately, anything that floats gains my automatic distrust, OBEY PHYSICS YOU BASTARD! Nah but he's a funneh guy and to my own extensive knowledge doesn't afraid of anything.

Well I've written enough today to keep the management amused, I shall return tomorrow with even jucier topics and maybe even a picture or two, of boobs!

Yes, they always come back at the prospect of some saucy boobies.

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