Friday, December 17, 2010

Falling Down in London Town

Well tonight has been bummered on down by the snow, a chance to go to the store was hampered by those mischievous little flakes, drat.

I guess I'll use this time instead to write up a new post, oh the joy. Well since my last oh so amazing post I have completed my first semester of college. I guess I can discuss it for a bit, I can see your enthusiasm is palpable tender audience.

Well I remember the first day of it all was abysmal. I walked into the place not knowing anyone but the vintage Barry Dunne. Hell I didn't even know he was going to be there, I was pretty damn shocked when I saw him. Well anyway it seems he was going for the creative media course which was actually my first level 7 choice but I somehow swapped it round with Video and Film at some point and never changed it back.

"WAS IT DESTINY?!" I hear you scream at your computer possibly waking the old lady next door, you should be ashamed.
Probably not just me being uncareful is the unromanticized answer.
"But we want the romanticized answer!" I hear you raise your voice once more, that old woman must surely question your midnight antics.
Well then I guess it's all destiny in the end now isn't it, HAPPY NOW?!

Fast forward to my first day in Video and Film. I remember finding some people in the course so damn weird, some people were just so damn So yeah I spent the first day wondering if everyone was as weird as the loud crackpots. Luckily I was wrong. That first day though sucked ass. I remember being in a table quiz and this one dude wouldn't stop staring at me, it was the creepiest thing in the world, his stare cut through the side of my face and pierced my very soul as if it were slowly sucking it out to feed its own. I couldn't get away from that group fast enough, my view of humanity was soured quite a bit that day.

Let's speed this story on a bit. Let's go two weeks in, at this point I had begun to learn to block out the eccentrics, a skill which has become most invaluable to retaining my sanity. Well by this point in the semester the class had sort of split into two, well maybe three if you count the class B. At this point I was finding the classwork hilariously easy, watch films, listen to an over enthusiastic Spanish guitar player make jokes and learning how to hold an SLR camera, I pished at the posh of the work.

What's that Mark happy with his work? Well let's fast forward through his joy that insidious bastard best not enjoy himself for too long! Well you get your wish you Grinch loving scrooges as within weeks faith had clasped my delight and crunched it into a ball of self loathing and hate, HATE!

Work began to smother me beneath its obese mass as I frantically struggled for a few days to do last minute assignments. Films had to be spooled and developed, movies had to be shot and my dainties had to be massaged as they got blisters from walking too much :(

Then the tests started, ho boy, I suck at studying something serious, I thank the heavens that my course is mostly continuous assessment cause I cannot study what-so-ever. There was two tests, Film Studies and Communications. I scoffed at the communications one during my study time (right after my nap time) and sucked up as much film info as I could. I went into the exam feeling regret for not burning the midnight oil but then I saw the paper.

If exams turned me on I would have an erection the size of Jupiter at this bad boy. Genre, Mise-en-scene, German Expressionism?! It was as if the easy police had beaten this test to within an inch of it's life. I went home that day and scoffed at my Communication notes as if I held a monocle in one eye and a kane in my hands. Oh how it would come back to haunt me. I went into the test and I felt karma slap me with its greasy willy. Intrapersonal communication? Formats of a small report? Why my dear paper you have confused me with someone who gives a damn about this course.

Well I came out of that course feeling like crap at how badly I did but I was also quite happy at the prospect of a month's break. It wasn't all that great though as I shall't miss college people as soppy as that sounds but three cheers for (sweet revenge) everyone else coming back from their crazy other colleges, imma hoping it shall be an awesome months break with them all back!

In today's news however I have found the ultimate comedy! Well I didn't really find it as much as IGN gave it the runner up in comedy of the year. It's called Modern Family and I encourage all to check it out. At first I was all like, oh god no look at all these stereotypes, overprotective gay guys, old rich guy with Latino trophy wife and obese kid and finally Steve Carell rip off with nagging wife. 10 minutes later though I had shut my whorish mouth and watched in awe at how awesome the show was. Laugh out loud quality on many occasions and just overall feel good stuff. Check it out, lest I call you an UNCULTURED SWINE!

I'm finding this year's lack of a christmassy feeling to be most disturbing. I think some Christmas shopping is in order to get me in the mood, to town tomorrow!

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